Where is it and where are we are continual questions for us. Practicing translating maps to terrain in our most frequent locations is the simplest way to master map reading, so here are some maps for conditioning hikes, where you can get your stride and map skills up to speed. Links to Yahoo maps can get you there. I have made overlays of current maps over the topo to have the information of both available. The files are large, and as a result, slow to load. The image can be saved (NS- RtClick|Save Image... or File|Save as|...) or printed and return to the page via your BACK button. Ideas and feedback are needed.
Good descriptions are available at Orange
County Harbors, Beaches & Parks Wilderness Parks.
Preparing to get out there: Restrictions? Problems? Info...
So. Calif. Snow condition links
National Forests in California
CA road info Weather Underground
For those who have asked what to carry, here are check-off lists converted to html for the net, print-ready, one-page (in table) versions for day packs and backpacks, which are also linked from the list version, Backpack list , which can be copied to a word processor for editing. Then you can omit reading glasses and add insulin kit as needed.
I have some Sierra Club and Orange County Sierra Singles related stuff in addition to this page and the links pages. From Avalanche Training, Snow Observations and the Decision rules, and the versions for downloading, editing for size: Snow Observations and the Decision rules.
Many more links are in the links pages, with subjects most easily found using FIND on Outline of Links Pages .