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Thanks to litle snow and less time (The Governor has decided I can work 22 days a month and he can pay me for 19 days) back country trips are a luxury until I retire or we get rid of Republicans. Need I remind you of George Deukmejian ('83-90) and Pete Wilson ('91-98)?
Current management appears intent on closing all Developmental Centers by mismanagement with routine violations of the contract claiming over the last half year is an emergency, forcing mandatory overtime shifts (working 16 hours straight) with a threat of charges of felony endangerment and insubordination. I shall be out of state employment, and I hope the managers as well, by year's end.

Postscript: It became to dangerous to continue workioing at Fairview, so now I am retired. I'm doing some hiking (this drought sucks) and finishing projects postponed by State scheduling and doing the procrastinated housework.

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