Read, don't just listen to what they say, because
that will change. I leave items here long after they fade into the past,
just so I don't have to say "I told you so!", but you can say "You said
that!", be it an accurate prediction, or dead wrong.
George W. Bush seems to think that being "saved" means he can do as he
damn well pleases without any consequences. This was NOT founded as a
Christian nation (see Treaty of Tripoli) and he hates and wishes to
kill Muslems, in conflict with Christ's Sermon on the Mount admonishing
followers to love their neighbors and enemies (Matthew 5:34-44). If impeachment
(without conviction) was appropriate for Clinton, what is appropriate
for a man that violates the constitution and his oath to defend it,
lies to the American people, congress, engages in an
unnecessary war killing mostly innocent people, and eliminates a
court decided penalty for a crony (in a crime his administration is
implicated in)? I think he needs to get born again...
Climate Change
The Bush administration has tried to mute public fretting over "global
warming" by questioning it and using the term "climate change", saying
they don't think humans have effected it. Which do you find more scary?
A couple degrees warmer may sound nice. Climate change tells me all
those things we expect and depend on will change, that what could grow
here won't, what was safe coast or river bank will flood, what had
enough water will be dry, and. We want and depend on little change; we
worked hard to find out what can work, so don't change it on me. Let's
try to keep it the same, no matter whether we were causing some of the
change or not.
The Flag
"Desecration of the Flag should be a crime!" |
True to Form
Californians have proven true to form again this election. All taxes
failed, as expected. Borrowing got the green light, over $1000 for
every person in California, inspite of our having failed to retire the
excess debit that Arnold campaigned about to get in office in the first
place. The fact that it all comes out of future taxes, just like credit
cards come out of future income, seems to escape us. Punishment got a
green light even though we know it will not work. And we still buy the
bull, given there is enough money behind it. Money won, not truth and
Saddam Guilty
Saddam to be found Guilty by the government located in the Green Zone,
dependent on the U.S. Military for survival, after changes in judges,
killing of defense attorneys, and banning defense attorneys from the court,
just before U.S. elections, is no suprise. "The court has decided to
sentence Saddam Hussein al-Majid to be hanged until he is dead for crimes
against humanity," Abdul Rahman said of his trial for ordering the execution
of 148 men from the Shi'ite town of Dujail after an attempted assasination
in 1982. After all, Rumsfeld shook his hand on Reagan's behalf and called him
a friend of the U.S. after the "crimes against humanity". Why should honesty
have anything to do with this? International human rights groups, which had
called for the case to be heard abroad, said the killing of three defense
lawyers, the resignation of a judge over political interference and flaws
in evidence meant that it fell short of a fair trial. Now, remember that Regan
quote "He's a bastard, but he's our bastard."
 | Shaking Hands: Iraqi President Saddam Hussein greets Donald Rumsfeld, then special envoy of President Ronald Reagan, in Baghdad on December 20, 1983. |
Presenting the record
Arnold Schwarzenegger accused Gray of rasing vehicle taxes when he orderd collection of the
full vehicle license fee instead of using the general fund to cover the counties part.
Now he cuts taxes on the rich and raises fees, claiming they are not taxes. Angelides
is saying cut taxes on the middle class, and remove some tax breaks added for the rich.
In both cases the message is lost.
Arnold is claiming the credit for school funding that is not his doing, and in fact he
fought. Angelides position has been consistant.
Attack ads cite Tahoe many years ago, while conservation groups, like Sierra Club, have
endorsed Angelides, and Arnold has had a fleet of Hummers this year. Message Lost.
Drama seems to be the only message that gets through with all the money.
Early in his political campaigning, Arnold appeared on Oprah, and in response to the
question about his statements early in his U.S. career about orgies, on TV he said that
he did anything to promote the sport, he said "untrue things." Is there a reason this
very dramatic, pointed, and pertinent clip has not been in political ads this election
in California? Arnold Schwarzenegger and the GOP are quite happy with millions of special
interest dollars of attack ads, and have proven all too effective.
It just might wake some voters up.
Saddam Guilty
Will Saddam be found Guilty? Is the timing coincidental? Is the Iraqi government located
in the Green Zone, dependent on the U.S. Military for survival? Enough already.
"StingRay Attack"
The headlines are that there was another deadly singray attack. Is an animal's
response to a credible threat situated for the animal to use it's self defense tools,
an attack, or more like hammering your thumb?
Basic Approaches
A person's basic world view tends to determine approaches used. Some believe others
must pushed, forced into a path, with punishment and fear as the control, as Bush
thinks must be done to Iran, North Korea, and the USSR thought of it's people.
The other way is to tempt, encourage, and offer help to move them into a path.
That opened up Japan, China, and is used by drug pushers. A South Korean noted
"You don't back a rat into a corner" in response to punishing North Korea.
Kick sand in the face of a wimp and you may see a fist or a bat. Tell a teen
they HAVE to go to a colledge, and you get "Oh, YEAH???" Offer them a scholarship,
and you are more likely to get "All RIGHT!!!" Carrots don't lead to wanting
to return the favor with more pain. Let's try that.
Most Wanted?
A poor shmuck with a big mouth, Adam Gadahn, was named as one of the
F.B.I.'s MOST WANTED, as a traitor. So far, he has run his mouth. The
Whitehouse wants to use this shmuck to divert attention from Republican
ethics (Foley, Hastert, Abramoff, DeLay, Cunningham, Ney,
Iraq) to the "War on Terror", showing yet greater
lack of ethics. The NeoCon adgenda and G.W. Bush have
more Americans
than 9/11/2001 (=2752) on a false pretext (No WMD), while this remote
target has caused less harm to America (so far, speech only, "protected?")
than even Geraldo Rivera (broadcasting troop positions). Remember, Bush
senior was involved in taking Saddam Hussein OFF the terrorist list to
fight Iran, and Ossama bin Laden OFF the terrorist list in order to
give him weapons to fight the Russians. Who has harmed America more?
Traitor? Or Gadahn, America'a least wanted?
Terrorist Threat?
A woman was broadcast as yelling down the street in Manhattan "Everybody
call the Police!" Fear of terrorists has overcome reason, as an accidental
crash of a private prop aircraft into a building (like years ago to the
Empire State Building) triggered fear. While her plea would jam the phone
and 911 system, it proved we have little to fear from a Cesna, for only
the engine made it into the building, the rest falling to the street. I
fear I am more in danger from wild gun fire at a suspected terrorist
than from a real terrorist, yet more from neighbor's celebratory AK47
fire in the air on the 4th of July, and much greater danger from a
drunk driver.
Hate Freedom
Bush keeps saying the terrorists hate our freedom. A New York Times report
(8/28/2006 p1) on the UK group arrested for planning to blow up planes headed
to the US reported "'As you bomb, you will be bombed; as you kill, you will be
killed,' said one of the men on a 'martyrdom' videotape" and "One of the suspects
said on his martyrdom video that the 'war against Muslims' in Iraq and
Afghanistan had motivated him to act." ... "The man said he was seeking
revenge for the foreign policy of the United States, and 'their accomplices,
the U.K. and the Jews'." It looks to me like they hate what we DO to them.
Cell Phone Driving
How many times have you seen the passenger on a cell phone?
This seems significant, and I want to see a study.
Threatening Iran
Bush want us to think threatening Iran will stop it from proceeding with
nuclear energy development. In truth, his support of Israel's attack on Lebanon
has insured they will not change course, for when they considered the european
offer of aid for not doing so, the U.S. supported Israel in attacking Lebanon.
With a U.S. supported nuclear weapon wielding aggressor (Israel attacked and is
occupying another country), Iran fears what the U.S and Israel may do to it.
Would the U.S. decide it did not need a weapon because it was threatened?
Pluto Demoted?
We have had a slow news day with much hooha about Pluto no longer being called a planet.
Consider that Pluto was the FIRST Icy Dwarf planet discovered, and as a result, once others
were discovered in orbit , its longer term identity forced the international community
of astronomers to actually DEFINE 'planets' for the first time. Is being identified as
the First know example of an entire class of bodies a demotion? That is a comment on
American science teaching, and popular approaches to knowledge.
Bad Laws
We again have politicians pandering to fears with bad law proposals. Any law
with a name is sure to be a bad law, for the reason for using a name is to
invoke emotion to pass a law that reason can not get passed. Frequently they
are cheap shots aiming for publicity while not accomplishing the stated goal,
and harming others.
Sex Offenders
The Dateline of 7/1/06 should cause concern, for in claiming to protect children,
a prosecutor harmed the lives of children he pretended to protect. The definition
of "sex offender" is so broad as to be useless, for it can be a streaking, peeing
on the back wall of a bar, beating a prostitute, sought attention ("Don't stand
so close to me..."), or child rape. We do know 80% victims are relatives, and
ALL offenders were not convicts at some time, and police in their zeal sometimes
cross the line to the point of preventing a conviction (Florida), and make
"staying clean" difficult for some. The more effective approach would be
requiring effective parole, assigning parole officers a case load they can
actually monitor and work with. The public needs to simply maintain vigilance,
knowing that most offenders have not been identified, are family members, and
need others to not pay attention and be uninvolved, and such behavior to go unreported.
The bigger stick is not working, we need a carrot, too.
Clinton was impeached for a lie regarding personal behavior. George W. Bush lied
to Congress and the American people that he KNEW Saddam had WMD to go to war. He
lied saying his administration went to war against Iraq to stop terrorism by
al Qaida, because of 9/11 when they had plans for this BEFORE 9/11. Al Qaida
activity was not possible in Iraq UNTIL Saddam was deposed, endangering American
lives. Bush sought to stop making torture illegal. He ignored the legal means to
wiretap suspected terrorists, and violated the law and the constitution in
warrantless wiretaps of Americans. A trial is now needed. I would settle for censure,
a pardon, and be rid of it.
Environmentalists said decades ago that the Alaska Pipeline would result in an
oil spill, while Exxon said it would never happen. 16 years after the Exxon
Valdez, its environmental impact remains. "This stuff isn't changing at all.
It's just the same kind of goo that got deposited there in 1989," said Jeff
Short of NOAA. Who has the track record? Who lied? Who is most likely right
about ANWR?
As much as I like the idea that voters can take charge and move an issue that
politicians find too hot to address, I fear it has been taken over by money.
This year, I can not vote for any of them. Half are for a Governor owned by
corporations. Two are directly in support of corporations. How much would you
spend on advertising to lock in profits? Or prevent losses?
Prop 75
Want justice? I will support a requirement that a union must get individual
annual written approval to use dues for political purposes when corporations
must also get individual annual written approval to use funds for political
purposes since those profits spent on politics belong to the individual stock
holders. Fair is fair.
A Christian Calls for Assassination
Conservative U.S. evangelist Pat Robertson, the strong Bush supporter, founder
of the Christian Coalition, and a presidential candidate in 1988, called for the
assassination of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez during the August 22 broadcast
of his religious "The 700 Club" program, calling him a "terrific danger" to the
United States and intended to become "the launching pad for communist
infiltration and Muslim extremism." I submit that fundamentalist Christian
does not mean follower of Jesus any more than fundamentalist Muslim means a
follower of Islam (peace). (Matthew 5:34-44)
Did you hear that a relative of one of Michael Jackson's jurors was a sex
offender? He was the one streaker that was 18 at the time, the only one the DA
could really get his teeth into.
"Any Nation that Harbors a Terrorist is a Terrorist Nation"
So the U.S. will not extradite a know terrorist, Orlando Bosch (and
protects Luis Posada Carriles), who opposed Castro, someone we helped
put in power? Is the Delta Force going to invade this "rouge nation"
to enforce the Bush doctrine and international law?
In the mood for a horror story? Read about what prions are, and how they work.
Then read about asbestos in the 1950's, the impact of acid rain and industry's
position, and recently FDA de-certified drugs, and decide how much we will
believe the industry line about what they produce. Neither a prion or a virus
is alive, but interact with life.
There are large numbers of people that say California belonged to Mexico, and
that is very significant. In truth, Southern California belonged to Spain
from the conquest to 1821, with a very thin influence. Mexico came into
existence in 1821, and in 25 years faced the Bear Flag revolt, loosing
California in 1848 to the U.S., and later becoming French until the revolt
celebrated on May 5 again created an independent Mexico. Is Palestine British,
Turkish, Roman, or Egyptian?
Thank you, Arnold
Did I tell you Arnold is a liar? Shorting education after he said only "over my
dead body", taking two billion and saying he will not repay it is not something
that surprises me. Saying that he would fight special interests, and taking more
special interest money than any governor in history, is what I expected. Now he
is proving my predictions and evaluation. Thank you, Arnold. Now get convicted
of fraud.
Living Will
Schiavo failed to make a living will, and so her expressed wishes were opposed
by her parents. Those claiming to value life at any expense are unwilling to
fund public health, and the most extreme threaten the lives of others. Don't be
a victim of this phenomenon- insure your wishes are what will be followed, be it
D.N.R. or full heroic measures. Be advised, though, some will try to thwart your
wishes. Any one who tries to keep my body alive after I cannot function will be
haunted with my greatest vengeance to the best of my ability.
Financial Responsibility
The Republicans congress is saying they want to reduce financial
irresponsibility by forcing bankrupt people to pay, saying they run up their
credit cards for their own benefit. Studies have shown most bankrupt people
have suffered catastrophic medical expense or lost their job, not a matter of
personal choice. Credit companies have been giving unsecured [that supposedly
means unsecured] credit to people already in financial difficulty, and the
occasional dog or cat. I shred a least a dozen credit offers a week. I say
they want protection from their OWN financial irresponsibility in giving credit.
This sector is a repeat offender, with the savings and loans under Regan, and very
doubtful "subprime" mortgage loans, which again will hurt far more people than
just the perpetrators.
Indecency on TV
We have some, Bush's supporters, that object to seeing God's work- the human
body- on TV. They seem happy with watching Jerry Springer. I thought assault and
battery was criminal behavior. Is profiting from gratuitous violence moral, and
should be available for children to watch, and not a health body, "created in
God's image"?
Social conservatives, be it Sen. Ted Stevens, Rep. Henry Hyde, or Rev. (Baker,
Roberts, or fill in the blank) always seem to expect the worst of people. Is
that because they think everyone is like them?
Social In-Security?
Bush promotes a panicked response to the anticipated economic woes of Social
Security in 40 years, and refuses to look at MediCare which faces much greater
fiscal shortages much sooner. His "cure" would be a windfall for Wall street,
turning money once used to fund Social Security into management fees, and gives
future Ken Lays a chance to defraud even more people. Mean while, drug companies
are making their extra profits thanks to protectionist legislation. It does not
look like he is concerned with the working stiff that needs these programs.
La Conchita and Diamond Bar landslides are both encore performances, where
governments have said all was well after previous major slides. Who should be
paying for the loss of life each generation? Who is responsible and who is
Bush Appeal
What is the Bush appeal? I suspect the current bunch of
reality and court shows provides a hint. George W. Bush is the first convict to
serve as president. Both of his daughters have had to admit violating the law.
He lied to congress. He maintains he is Saved and Born Again, and a moral leader.
Did they vote for the man they felt was like them, not their superior, just like
they watch court shows and reality shows to feel superior?
Al Qaqaa
The International Atomic Energy Commission and European Union
officials warned Bush before the war that these explosives needed to be
safeguarded, since the U.N. had been guarding them since 1990 and were prevented
from keeping track by the U.S. war and blocked by the U.S. The Bush
administration allowed 377 tons of super-powerful explosives, HMX and RDX, which
can be used to detonate atomic bombs and were cited by the Bush administration
as dual-use materials reasons to invade, to disappear from al-Qaqaa. Was it a
gross critical failure to note what the rest of the world told Bush (before,
during, and after), or a planned tactic to keep terrorism in the fore front as a
political issue, and provide a pretext for attacking Iran? Does it convince you
that Bush will be a better protector of the U.S.A.?
For Lying
As of October 8, 2004, Martha Stewart is in federal prison
for "lying to the SEC" saying she sold stock because the price dropped, not
because she was told it would drop. George W. Bush told America and the U.N.
that the U.S knew Saddam had weapons of mass destruction, and was building
a nuclear weapon, and sent the armed forces to invade Iraq on that claim.
Who is the greater liar and criminal?
"I pledge
allegiance to the flag, the Republic for which it stands, one nation,
Krishna, indivisible with liberty and justice for all."
Who is more likely to kill you on an airliner, a terrorist,
or maintenance (deregulated)? So far, more customers have been killed by
skipped, inadequate, and shortcut ted maintenance planes going down than
have been threatened by terrorists, leave alone killed. Air lines pay for
the planes, we pay for security.
Isn't it ironic that the "Christian Coalition" is a major reason we can not
have a president who truly follows the path of Jesus? They value vengeance
too much to allow leadership by a person that believes in loving his neighbor,
leave a lone his enemy, and turning the other cheek. (Matthew 5:34-44)
The colonies objected to the motherland's control and paying for the army
to protect them, so we revolted. What makes Bush believe the Iraqi peoples,
subject to a map with borders created to limit resistance instead of reflecting
peoples, will want to cooperate with and pay for the army that defeated and
occupied them, with their oil?
In the Interest of Justice
Martha Stewart has bee convicted of having lied to the government about
saving herself$40,000.00 in the stock market. Kenneth Lay has not been
indicted by the Bush administration for stealing millions of dollars,
and decimating employee retirement funds. Is she Guilty for not
contributing enough to the Bush campaign fund?
Bush says he wants to preserve the sanctity of marriage. Sacred refers
to a religious belief. We opposed the Taliban's preservation of what
they believed was sacred. Only religion can sanctify. The marriage
contract is a civil agreement, a contract, subject to the governing by
the people. Why should gays be spared the joys of alimony and divorce
court, as well as the rights granted joined couples to help the society
at large (inheritance, medical care)? As a hint, some gay marriages
have been performed by churches, and therefore are sacred, even
though the government does not honor them.
Ever notice that the born-again Christian seems less tolerant of turning
the other cheek?
Who Pays?
Arnold is cutting California state income by reducing the vehicle tax,
while increasing expenditures for Homeland Security. Who is paying for
this? Californians die from lack of health care (which he is asking to
reduce), but we have not had a death from terrorism in the state.
Wildland Danger
Fourteen attacks by mountain lions in 1 1/5 centuries! They are Dangerous!
How many attacks by domestic dogs in the past year? How many killed by
drivers on cell phones?
George Bush seems to believe in the natural right of power, and since he
is the head of state of the most powerful nation, he must be right, so
all other nations must believe he is right and follow him. His argument
is somewhat like that used by Adam Smith of a natural good in support
of capitalism. Others maintain right makes might. While the NAZIs had the
power, right made enough might to over come it.
Fire in our wild lands is inevitable. We can pick and choose when and where,
or else nature will. "Not in MY backyard" in response to controlled burns
eventually has a response from the real world: "Oh yea? Back yard of what?"
Threat to World Peace
Bush believed Saddam was a threat to world peace. So he decided to wage war on
Saddam. Who threatened world peace?
Who is Using Who?
It seems a dire time when leaders conspire to
go to war. George W. Bush has tried to link Bin Laden to Saddam. When his
attempt to force other nations to support his call for war caused them to
invoke a veto to maintain their own sovereignty and integrity, he accused
them of the destruction of NATO. It is no secret Ossama considers Saddam
a heretic. The U.S. killing many Muslims in order to get Saddam will identify
the U.S. as the enemy of Muslims, and estrange it from the rest of the developed
world, playing into Ossama's hands, giving credibility to his accusations
that the U.S. is on a crusade against Muslims, stealing Iraq's oil. Ossama
called for Muslims to fight Saddam, and attack the U.S. in support of muslim
brothers in Iraq if the U.S wages war on them. Bush attempted to use this
to claim they are allies, and most American news edited the translation to
avoid direct contradiction of Bush, since they want to have access for reporting
on the war. Get your news from multiple sources to make sure you are not
being used.
George W. keeps saying that he wants peace and security, so we must make
war on Iraq. To help the economy, he proposes a huge break for gas guzzling
SUVs, large tax breaks for the rich, and taking money from health care to
reduce federal spending. George Bush, from oil, for oil, shall profit from
this war... or so he thinks. The rest of the world does not believe the world's
best interest is a profit for Bush, which makes it difficult to convince
We call someone who uses their size and strength
to force others to their wishes a bully, especially when the aggression is
displaced. Saddam has fit this description in the past. The U.S. has attempted
to force NATO members to support it in attacking Iraq, which those nations
do not see as a current threat. North Korea is a threat which the U.S. is
dealing with diplomatic ally. Ossama Bin Laden is a current threat who has
hurt, evaded and frustrated the U.S. Who looks like the bully now?
You are now on notice that you have no privacy. Pete Townsend, a
British citizen, was arrested in London on the basis of information
from the FBI, a U. S. law enforcement organization. J. Edgar Hoover
used FBI illegally for political ends, and now it demonstrates to
the world that privacy, not crime, is abhorrent to the organization.
It is not Big Brother peeking in your bedroom, it is Uncle Sam.
We claim war is a last resort, but whose and why? George W. Bush
has much to prove. Claims of national safety are suspect when
Saddam's neighbors consider him less of a threat than Bush does. The
U.S. intelligence he claims proves Saddam has weapons of mass
destruction, passed to the inspectors has not yielded a "smoking
gun." Bush would like the nation (as well as his personal
finances) to benefit from the oil, but I fear this level of greed is
not the major motivation. U. S. notions of patriotism require support
of the President in time war, a voting booth advantage, and in the
last election, Gore got more votes.
There is a familial aspect,
since his father, as Reagan's Vice President, helped put Saddam in
power (including giving him "weapons of mass destruction",
like anthrax), and was later targeted by Saddam's government. His
father, George H. Bush, failed to finish his goal in the war on Iraq,
and he wants to clean up for his father, since he seems to consider
this a mark against his father and family. He wants "George
Bush" to be remembered as the name of John Wayne style war
heroes, not presidents during economic difficulties. Personal motives
are not National Interest.
Zero Tolerance
If it is just and appropriate to extend the statute of limitations to
allow prosecuting a priest after he has gone senile, wouldn't that be just
and appropriate for supporting terrorists like Saddam and Ossama? What do
you say to 20 years, George and Ronnie? -- Ronnie?
Simon accused California's Gov. Davis of accepting a campaign
donation in a state office, which is illegal. The source of the
"incriminating photo" was C.O.P.S., the organization which
made the cited contribution, and has since been offended by Davis,
and received much money from the Simon campaign. Ironically,
Simon's campaign ad has proved Davis can not be bought, but maybe
C.O.P.S. can. As a past Federal District Attorney, he is negligent in
researching his accusations of criminal activity which may be why he
is now on the other end of that office for his business practices.
An Irish Traveler is charged with a felony for slapping her
daughter on a surveillance tape, with no injury. How many people do
you know that wore the mark of their father's belt on their ass for a
week? Would they have benefited from their father being charged with
a felony, being forced to pay a large bond fee, and loosing working
days in jail and court?
George "Wayne" Bush
George Senior helped Regan fund, supply, and put Saddam and Ossama
in power as terrorists against Iran and Russia, including chemical
weapons. Now Junior wants to John Wayne it, with a war to clean up
after Daddy, maintaining that Saddam is a threat to world peace.
Starting a war is not peace, and the rest of the world has a stake in
this; it needs to be a world decision, with world action. If it is
wrong for Saddam to go it alone, why would it be right for us?
"The Market is Working"
George W. Bush has asserted that Enron shows that the market
works. The executives were able to prevent the employees doing the
work at Enron from selling their shares of Enron, thereby supporting
the price of the shares sold by the executives at great profit. Those
who steered the company into bankruptcy got richer, and the laborers
lost most of their retirement and jobs. Now we get to see if the Bush
Justice Department works as well. Like father, like son? Dad passed
out, and put Saddam in power.
StarWars Revisited
Ronald Reagan increased the national debt extraordinarily to
create a magical Anti Ballistic Missile
system, and keep federal funds out of social programs. George W. Bush
now seems intent on doing the same, in spite of proof that abrogation
of the ABM treaty will not make us safer, because a missile is not
needed to do damage. It is easy to destroy, and hard to build, but we
must build a safer world community for all. A 757 has to power to
improve many lives, and transport people to life saving medical care,
or destroy buildings and lives. The tragedy is not national; it is
global, for it is now a global community.
Tire Safety
Boguslouski has made an uproar for CBS about the very dangerous
tire failures killing people. Congress has now gotten on the
PR bandwagon with hearings in both the House and Senate. They have
claimed the Firestone kept the problem a secret until August.
Do they really believe that the NTSB never read the headlines last
year I read about the recall in Saudi Arabia? And they are DEADLY?
They are citing 80 deaths out of 6 million tires on the road now, and
they are talking about a decade! We had a scandal in California a few
years ago when 25% of the recapped tires were loosing their tread,
and the concern was their damaging other people's cars, including a
broken windshields. I have lost treads, and have had flats and blow
outs in the ever so much more top heavy '71 VW van, and the lost
tread was trivial, but even the flats did not result in a wreck. Now,
how many of the drivers were 15 mph over the speed limit, talking on
the phone at the time...
Christian Nation
For those claiming the US was created as a "Christian Nation", the
fact that the Constitution prohibits a religious test (unlike the UK which
did then) and the first amendment insuring the US never would have a state
religion, founding documents are not clear enough. They claim the Founding
Fathers (Deists) were Christians, and founded a "Christian Nation." Many
corporations have been founded by religious people of all faiths, but the
corporations are businesses, not Catholic, Jewish, or Christian.
The Treaty of Tripoli, with negotiations started with George Washington,
and the finally signed by John Adams, and
ratified by Congress states: As the Government of the
United States of America is not in any sense founded on the Christian
religion; as it has in itself no character of enmity against the laws,
religion, or tranquillity, of Musselmen; and as the said States never
have entered into any war or act of hostility against any Mehomitan nation,
it is declared by the parties that no pretext arising from religious opinions
shall ever produce an interruption of the harmony existing between the two
"In Defense of Marriage..."
The homophobes rant against giving
others the same LEGAL status they enjoy, claiming that it is God's
Law that marriage be between a man and a woman. A small problem is
that it is civil law that provides for a marriage contract, and their
God's law, pertains to them, their church, and their God. The state deals not
in God's law, but man's law, and what is at question is the standing of a
marriage contract. Whether you are an American Nazi or a priest does not
change your citizenship, and trying to deny you citizenship on that basis does
not protect my citizenship, or citizenship as an institution. I need not agree
with your church or God, just as you need not believe in mine, but we must run
the society on a civil basis. Consider: a Catholic Priest may legally marry; it
is the church that objects.
"Belmont is too dangerous a toxic site for children. The site
must be abandoned." I find that very hard to swallow, since the
Old Belmont High School, built for 3000 students, now has
5000, due to the delay caused by the politicking. It is on another
part of the SAME oil field. 145 Los Angeles schools are built on old
oil fields. Note that many of the students also live in homes built
on that oil field. The land was cheap for a reason, just like land
around air ports, dairies, and on land fills. The information is on
the deed, available at the library, and explicitly stated by real
estate agents. Would it be too much to hold buyers / voters to the
bargain they made?
Getting the Point
Today's news makes it obvious that most people just don't get the
point. For Martin Luther King Day, many clamored that North Carolina
should not use the Confederate Battle Flag because it
is a symbol of slavery. I say the symbol accentuates that slavery
LOST the battle and war, and racism is LOOSING, a symbol of a failed
past that we are getting ahead of now. Anybody want to wear the
T-shirt "I am the Dummy"- really?
Truong Van Tran, a year after Little Saigon protested his display
of the flag of North Vietnam, said that he wanted to spark debate and
show the freedom of America, but they were just like the
communists in suppressing his freedom of expression. The point? Ever
hear the phrase "Dictatorship of the Proletariat"?
Trent Lott has stated that he opposes the action taken against
Iraq, and finds the timing suspect. He is unfit for office for the
Republican Senator is either lacking in mental skills or lying
for partisan purposes. Being privy to far more governmental
intelligence, he should be at least as aware of world affairs as a
blue collar worker in Baghdad, where such people were preparing for
the attack that happened. I knew it was coming: in November Saddam
promised the Secretary General of the U. N. to cooperate only when
the planes were in the air, after an expensive build up. Clinton
reluctantly called off the attack, as it would have been condemned,
since Saddam had acquiesced. The response, however, was that there
would be a test of his cooperation, and non-compliance would lead to
a swift military response without warning. The news of the past week
has been of non-cooperation, and the report was expected. Lott would
have condemned Clinton for a failure to follow through on his
promise, and now condemns him for following through on his promise.
This is pure partisan politics on Lott's part, and he must recuse
himself, for he has already lied to the American people on the
"Narrow, Legalistic Definition of Sex"
Clinton has been condemned by Republicans for using a "narrow,
legalistic definition of sex." This is a legal matter. Clinton
is a lawyer. It is to his advantage to use the narrow legal
definition. What is the surprise? He would
be condemned as stupid for doing otherwise. As far as misleading, At
40, Rep. Henry Hyde had a child with a woman married to another man,
and said it was in his wild youth. At 40? Youth?
Moral High Ground?
Newt has bailed, citing the fact, obliquely, that he is unable to
retain his congressional office, and his continued presence would
disable his successor. He would get credit for dismantling the
Republican success, so he will avoid full credit for his agenda. His
violation of Congressional Ethics Rules merely cost him money; his
efforts to get the President hurt the nation. Isn't it remarkable
that the man that violated the ethics rules of his job objects so
strenuously to a superior giving in to a groupie?
The religious
right has funded attackers. Fundamentalist Preachers can commit
adultery while damning it from the pulpit, and retain their jobs. The
Republican majority has funded the attack on the President with our
money. One claim is that Clinton has undermined the justice system by
perjury in a deposition in a case that never went to trial. In the
last "Trial of the Century" O. J. Simpson testified under
oath that he had never struck his wife, which we all now know was
unprosecuted perjury. In the prior investigation involving
presidential conduct, Oliver North testified under oath that both
Ronald Regan and George Bush were present at the meeting in which he
stated that they were trading arms for hostages. None of those three
were prosecuted in spite of the fact that clearly at least one of
them perjured themselves, and indeed, both George Bush's presidential
campaign and Oliver North's congressional campaign were funded by the
Republican Party. They claim the moral high ground, and an ideal to
keep government bureaucrats out people's lives and pocketbooks, but
it looks more like the partisan moral low ground, hypocritic ally
supporting perjurers on their political side while attacking others.
Job Performance
As president, Clinton's job is to lead the nation; the nation is
at peace, the economy good, the budget not in deficit, and the
majority pleased by his job, even while the Asian economy struggles,
reporters and Starr scream "sex scandal" and Regan's
anti-Iran tool, Saddam, threatens the world. Special Investigator
Kenneth Starr spent millions of tax dollars investigating Clinton,
unable to prove anything sufficient to get an indictment.
Illegally recording a phone conversation must be prosecuted,
unless it is for profit?
Because he saw a movie...
If the boy shot his fellow students because he saw a movie
with such behavior, WHERE is the guy that saw the story of Christ?
Backhanded Benefit
The child is dead, the nanny got 2/3 year in jail, but how much
would it have cost to get the targeted educational message out
"shaking babies kills them!" Cheaper and more effective
than the anti-smoking ads?
DOJ Unfair in Restricting Microsoft?
MS signed the consent decree, so it knew. How long ago was it that
car makers were banned from putting anti competition clauses in their
contracts with dealers?
Make the Web More Like TV
Why? If you want TV, watch TV. For the price of the TV board, you
can buy a TV with a better picture! Radio on the Net? Mine is on, and
is cheaper and sounds better than this thing with a keyboard
attached. More bandwidth chewers is what we need when it takes
longer to load the page than read it? Why not use graphics when they
are most effective (Oh yea, I talked to that guy at Faire), and text
for what it does best, and loose the moving graphic of the price!
Insanity Plea
The plea "not
guilty by reason of insanity" reflects the fact that some people
are unable to be responsible for their actions. For the vast
majority, however, the plea should be "guilty and mentally
deranged" to acknowledge that most are deranged but at least
partially able to respond (they tried to hide their guilt, a response
to their action and environment). This would be a realistic plea that
could shorten the court calendars.
Government Failed to protect citizens from ValueJet!
Government is guilty of interfering in legitimate business by
over-regulating business. It told Valuejet they may not carry
their own (hazardour materials) property because they had not
asked for or recieved permission. They meerly transported their
goods, on their plane, packed by outsourced packers (who failed
to put the HazMat stickers on, and indicated the canisters were
empty, so they might be carried). Private industry is more
efficient because it keeps an eye on the bottom line which keeps
it from taking too great a risk. Industry must balance the cost
/ benefit effects of all it does. Business does not need the
government interference, and if it fails, it dies, like Chrysler
and Valuejet and General Dynamics!
The Communications Decency Act
The Communications Decency Act came
into being as Section 507 of the sweeping telecommunications reform
legislation now known as the Telecommunications Act of 1996, signed
by President Clinton on February 8. The Philadelphia court granted
the plaintiffs' request for a preliminary injunction against the law
in a 71-page decision delivered by Dolores Sloviter, chief judge for
the United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit for the
Eastern District of Pennsylvania.
In the decision , Judge Sloviter stated "Internet communication,
while unique, is more akin to telephone communication...than to
broadcasting...because as with the telephone an Internet user must
act affirmatively and deliberately to retrieve specific information
online. It is highly unlikely that a very young child will be
randomly 'surfing' the Web and come across indecent or patently
offensive material." Where that child will find something patently
offensive is reading or hearing Rep. Bob Dornan accusing the President
and Cain of AZ of giving aid and comfort to the enemy. While this is
quite argueably treason, this speech must be protected, if for no other
reason than to insure that voters learn the positions of their
representatives, and remove them from office before doing yet more harm.
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