Big money lies are the rule for this 2018 election round, as usual. Business is backing themselves, much to the detriment of democracy.
(1) “Direct patient care services costs” means those costs directly associated with operating a chronic dialysis clinic in California and providing care to patients in California. Direct patient care services costs shall include, regardless of the location where each patient undergoes dialysis, only (i) salaries, wages, and benefits of nonmanagerial chronic dialysis clinic staff, including all clinic personnel who furnish direct care to dialysis patients, regardless of whether the salaries, wages, or benefits are paid directly by the chronic dialysis clinic or indirectly through an arrangement with an affiliated or unaffiliated third party, including but not limited to a governing entity, an independent staffing agency, a physician group, or a joint venture between a chronic dialysis clinic and a physician group; (ii) staff training and development; (iii) pharmaceuticals and medical supplies; (iv) facility costs, including rent, maintenance, and utilities; (v) laboratory testing; and (vi) depreciation and amortization of buildings, leasehold improvements, patient supplies, equipment, and information systems. For purposes of this section, “nonmanagerial chronic dialysis clinic staff” includes all clinic personnel who furnish direct care to dialysis patients, including nurses, technicians and trainees, social workers, registered dietitians, and nonmanagerial administrative staff, but excludes managerial staff such as facility administrators. Categories of direct patient care services costs may be further prescribed by the department through regulation.
"1954.54. (a) A city, county, or city and county shall have the authority to adopt a local charter provision, ordinance, or regulation that governs a landlord’s right to establish and increase rental rates on a dwelling or housing unit. (b) In accordance with California law, a landlord’s right to a fair rate of return on a property shall not be abridged by a city, county, or city and county."The prospect of possible rent control might just be enough to reduce the doubling and more of rents, but prop 10 does not creat any rent control; only local goverments can consider it.
As unpleasant as it may be to do, READ the actual text of all propositions because that is the only way to find out what it says. Other sources may show what the result may be, or lie about it. Often a proposition is the proposed by industry in an effort to make larger profits or dodge an expense. Prop 13 claimed to be to protect home owners, but landlords used it to shift the majority of property taxes from business to home owners and cut school funding. A measure considered by the legislature would have limited the tax relief to homeowners and would not have had the effects that the landlords wanted. Big money will lie to protect big money.